Saturday, February 3, 2007

More Than Lending Library

I have decided to name this blog the More Than Lending Library to share a mistake that I have made in the past. My mistake was to loan my only copy of a book to a student. Good intentions aside, I have lost many a book this way. Now, when I find a great book for children, I buy an extra copy for my class library. Yes, I have a checkout process in my classroom; however, having an extra copy keeps me sane.


Elizabeth Lipp said...

This has happened to me too, more times that I care to remember! We, as teacher, always do have the best of intentions involved when we want to share our books, but....
I know that I lost a copy of the second Harry Potter book that I had actually bought in England, and was quite upset. Oh well, you live and you learn! :)

JulieAnne said...

This is a common problem. I once was told that having students take books is actually the greatest compliment they can pay the teacher. My thought is "yeah--but not when I have to buy new books!!!" I usually "lose" 25 books a year to students. So frustrating!